The Rules

1. Be Excellent to Eachother
2. Party on, Dudes
3. Don't Pee in my Sink
4. No Fat Chicks
5. You Cannot Nominate Yourself as an Officer

Thursday, April 21, 2011

To a Collective of Insufferable Individuals

I will never stoop so low as to hate someone, but I loathe the way you exclude me.
I am unwelcome among my own family when you take over with your despised presence.
Your emotions are unfounded, unjust and unrealistic for someone I have to call my peer.
Have you ever truly experienced anything outside of your own iron-clad shell you’re afraid to leave? 
A true person will respect others and there is no trace of tolerance within your voices.
Most people don’t listen while others are talking, they just wait for their turn to speak.
And that is you. 
The universe is not anything remotely reminiscent of the one you were taught— on the contrary, yours is obsolete and judgmental and unnecessary.
Why aren’t you pleasant? You’re not. You’re not even hardly pleasant. You’re the master of bitch. You’re the epitome of bitch. You’re captain bitch of the highest rank in the bitch department in Bitch, USA.
You are fickle, finicky, condescending; and concerned with the arbitrary— and it all wraps up like a delicious chalupa into a savage creature that deserves no love from me.
If you learned to see things the way they are instead of the way you feel they should be maybe you would have more smile lines and could begin to appreciate how blue the sky is instead of how nasty the grey is.
There’s your problem! You are hypersensitive. Some part of your mind picks up on key words, ideas, phrases, emotions, and throws them out of proportion in ridicule to where you think you have some control. 
I know you’re a human being, but you are a poor excuse for a soul.
My only wish is for you to be indifferent because the absence of disdain is a step in the winsome direction!
I won’t give up but until then I’m going to despise your every being.
Blow it out your ass and blow it as hard as you can. Maybe you’ll win an award for blowing it out your ass.
Warm regards, myself


  1. "Most people don’t listen while others are talking, they just wait for their turn to speak."
    Christ, don't get me started on this. People always ask me why I'm so quiet. I just don't feel like jumping into a conversational orgy of thoughtless, eruptive BS competing to be heard over the rest of the thoughtless, eruptive BS.

  2. I am just really Socially awkward. Every time I go out to be social. Humanity disappoints me and proves to me that I should just stay aside. This seems to be pointed to one person in particular.

  3. real deep bitch talk so I thought what I'd do was I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes

  4. Well said, WanderingWriter. Well said.

  5. Every line can be quoted. Oh snap!

    +1 follow

  6. Some people can be hated....Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, ect.

  7. Disliking judgers is okay, but don't stop looking for the people who aren't jerks. It is implausible to assume at least .0001% of the world's population aren't jerks. You just got to find them.

  8. i like diatribes like this. good post.

  9. I feel like someone took a dump on my brain after reading this :P

  10. I would hate to be the person on your bad side! At least you're among the few that can actually get their point across intelligently. (:

  11. pretty strong sentiments. thanks for sharing with us.

  12. Sounds like somebody forgot to take their happy pills today! LOL!

    Thanks for stopping by my site!

  13. Wow, your post made me think a lot. Pretty deep.

  14. Is it just me, or were these a compilation of quotes from different movies and/or stories? I know one of them was from Fight Club.

    Not to be a dick, but it just sounded really familiar.

  15. This is probably serious, but I laughed a lot.

  16. This is why I can no longer stomach Thanksgiving dinner with my huge, psychotic family.

  17. Great post,
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  18. I know a lot of people that fit this

  19. Very well said. Thank you so much for this post. :')

  20. A little pessimistic there..

  21. I think you went to easy on them.

  22. love your blog! keep up the quality posts!

  23. Pretty good! Kinda bitter. lol.

  24. So much anger and hate flowing... So true! Following and supporting.

  25. deeeeeeeeeeep, interesting post tho man, keep it up


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