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Monday, April 11, 2011

The N64 is a beautiful thing

My friend got me back into playing Goldeneye 64 about a month ago.
Ever since then we've just been hanging out on weekends and kicking back to play some 007.

So I picked up other stuff like Banjo Tooie, Super Smash, and Mario Kart.

You know, these games have amazing replay value. Sure, the graphics are definitely not 2011, but they're more than playable, and they have really great ideas. 

Banjo Tooie is still a game that's hella good. It just is. The controls are simple but it's puzzling, and not a chore.
The dialogue and story are actually interesting, because it's just cartoon bears and shit. And it's challenging. 
I never beat the game when I was a kid but I'm planning on it once I finish Banjo Kazooie, the prequel.

I legitimately like playing n64 games just as much (and sometimes more than) as new-gen ones on the Xbox or whatever.

Like, Goldeneye is just so simple. But it's so different from something like Modern Warfare. 
When I play Xbox live, I get destroyed. Rampant racism and cussing is such a joke when I play live. It's crap.  
I ragequit when I start to lose. Which is all the time. 

But not goldeneye! It's so fun to have a few people over and play DK mode on a level with only a few rooms. 

It's just so much simpler, and equally fun to play. 

Sigh. I need to get some friends.


  1. I know that old-school feel, man. These games are still great, and I still have my original NES plugged in. Though while everybody has fond memories of Goldeneye, I enjoyed Perfect Dark MUCH more as it's pretty much goldeneye 2! Also, it had multiplayer bots for those of us who don't have friends!

  2. Hah, aww, N64 is the only friend anyone needs ;]

  3. I have to agree. I don't get what it is with people thinking they need to make flashy complex games. Simple ones are just as good, if not sometimes better.

  4. N64 was the console that defined my childhood. Much love!

  5. yeah goldeneye and perfect dark were great. i wish i still i had a n64!

  6. Golden eye 64 has landed number one 3 occasions on the Screwattack countdowns

  7. The n64 was a god among men. Zelda was the holy grail

  8. and mario was jesus

  9. Golden eye multiplayer was top notch.

  10. Good ol' N64 days! I remember playing the classics. Paper Mario was a good one too

  11. I'm a PC gamer, and never got the why this game was so popular. To me, it just another console shooter.

  12. The N64 is awesome, still have mine and play it, too :D

  13. Wish I still had an N64... RIP, my good friend, RIP. :(

  14. the multiplayer in that bond game is epic *opponent walks through door* *REMOTE BOMBS!!!*

  15. Aah I really need to plug my N64 back in, maybe even my NES. It's a shame my friends are only interested in playing COD.

  16. Nostalgia bombing hard. For my 4th Christmas I got an N64 with Mario Kart in it. Been playing it ever since :).

  17. A lot of my younger life was spent with the N64. There were so many original games! Today we just keep getting the same cookie cutter space marines diving behind chest high walls.

  18. So many fond memories, like when I finally beat my older brother on 007 GoldenEye... yesterday

  19. Damn man good times. I miss my old games :(. Oh well. I need to start building up my collection again. Only if Goldeneye 64 on the Wii with online play...

  20. I made a post recently about the N64 too :] I picked one up at a fleamarket recently for real cheap. I need friends to play with too hahaha

  21. i never had one but i was so jealous of the neighbor kids

  22. God I remember Golden Eye. Oldie but a goodie amirite?

  23. If you have a Wii, get Golden Eye remake, it's the best shooter I played since Half-Life 2

  24. omg i love these games all of them specially 007! i wanna get a wii just so i can get the remake!

  25. N64 was my first console. Nothing like playing Super Mario 64 for the first time, it was magical.

  26. wish I could find the time to kick back and play good games. ditto on what Lhosreiff said!

    Looking for any one interested in a good discussion of the topics on my blog:

  27. Oh yeah, I've got a lot of good memories of playing Golden Eye.

  28. I miss my N64 from zelda to F-zero.

  29. that is what makes a good game. :)

  30. People care about the graphics too much nowadays. A game can be great despite having horrible graphics, you know!

  31. Nintendo 64 is your friend :)

  32. Ironically, I've actually tried to go back and play my N64 and I have to say that GoldenEye was one of the ones I just couldn't do. My eyes bled and my fingers wouldn't work right. haha

  33. Classic games are a nice break from the newer ones, but I still love modern warfare :3

  34. Great work! I love the blog style!

  35. I have never tried N64, just some games with emulator, but I have heard only good things for example about that Goldeneye.

  36. Ive been replaying Oot on my softmodded Wii, so yeah, N64 FTW!
    Followed! Please check out my blog too!

  37. n64 was my childhood, i loved conkers bfd

  38. n64 > ps 1 anyday!

    although ps 3 > wii :P

  39. N64.. Times have really changed since then... Besides the obvious, my favorite games were Mischief Makers and Space Station Silicon Valley.

  40. N64 had a really annoying controller but the games were so cool they blew my mind.

  41. i play mario cart every weekend.
    its fantastic for drinking :)
    go on!

  42. I miss the original mario cart (:

  43. Totally agree, man. *misses the 90s*

  44. really enjoyed m-kart back in the days... great times

  45. N64 was great, I loved Mario Kart.

  46. i was only blessed enough to have a playstation back in those days -_-

  47. Who'd have thought I'd ever be old enough to think of Goldeneye as old-school gaming? Great game though.

  48. Goldeneye was an awesome game - folowing

  49. Man i still remember getting my 64 for my 12th birthday. Probably the happiest i'd ever been about a birthday gift.

  50. NES and SNES are better. A round of mario kart battle mode is awesome.

  51. hahahaha i remember this game! i used to play it all the time when i was young! Great post, cool blog, followed!

  52. I grew up on Star Wars: Pod Racer and Banjo Tooie, man.


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